
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

~A Sweet Bliss Angel Arrived in the Mail~

Bliss Angels
~Wendy ~
Look what came in the Mail from My Friend 
Wendy of Bliss Angels!
These Sweet tags were such a 
Wonderful Surprise! 
Thank you so Much Wendy!
How did you Know that "Sweetpea" is the 
Endearment  I call My Children and other Little Sweet Faces.
This is so very Special to me! Thank you!
Please stop by her Blog and say Hello!

I am So Grateful for the 
Most Wonderful Friendships I Have Made in the Land of Blog! 
Joanne from Vintage Dragonfly said it so Well when she spoke of the Generosity and Kindness and Support of the  Blogging Community.
It is my Little Piece of Heaven to Visit Someone and see what Beautiful Piece  They have just Made. Pictures they Share of their Families and Loved ones. Or the Funny Story that they tell on Themselves. 
Or the Beautiful Prose they Share with us. 
And all of the Sweet Encouraging Comments.. They Mean so Much!
It Truly is a Circle of  Good Friends 
that I am Most Grateful for.

I Know I am a Bit of a Pollyanna ...
But you Know what...That's one of the Goofy things 
I Like Most about Myself.
Have a Happy Tuesday!


  1. What lovely angel tags--what a sweet gift! I agree with you about blog friends--never ceases to amazes me how creative and kind everyone is in this beautiful blogland!

    I'm a Pollyanna too, Jill, so glad to know another!

    Hope you're having a wonderful winter's day...


  2. Those are so sweet...what a wonderful surprise to get in the mail!

  3. Hello Jill,
    the angel tags are beautiful.How sweet of Wendy.
    Blogging friends are the best!!
    Have a wonderful day.

  4. Hi Jill,
    Oh the tags are so precious & sweet! There's no gift more perfect than one that is made with love!
    Have a *Happy & Lovely* Day!
    Hugs & Love,
    Carol Anne

  5. Thanks for your kind words Jill. I adore Wendy's precious pieces of whimsy!

  6. Hi Jill,
    I just saw your comment on my craft blog and I can't begin to tell you how much that means to me! Thank you so much for your encouragement!
    Hugs to you as well,

  7. Well I happen to love Pollyanna! I couldn't agree more with what you said about the friendships we make here, it's the biggest and best surprise about blogging. Your tags are adorable Jill. That Wendy is quite a Sweatpea herself :)



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