I Love the Garden Feel of this Studio.
This Studio is out of a Country Living Magazine .
Isn't Her Work Lovely! I Love that she Surrounds herself
with her own work for Inspiration.
I Love the Vintage Boxes and the Labeling.
The Idea of a Caddy Like this is so Clever!
You can take it and go any where!

This Butlers Pantry is Great!
I Love combining your supplies into your Display!
I am sure that Luggage Tags
are something you have all seen before! I Found these in the Dollar bins
at our Local Michaels.
That is where I got the Luggage Boxes.
( 50% off! I Love Sales!)
This is a Little thing I came up with after Perusing the Local Thrift Stores. I kept seeing these Lovely Silver Pedestals for Chafing Dishes. They were Lonely Petunias with no Chafing Dishes to be seen. I am always Thinking Hmmmm... What Can I Make with this.
Well then I came across this Silver Relish tray with the Glass still in tact. Don't worry it wasn't the Prized Family Silver
just an Inexpensive Silver Type Relish Tray ! Lol!
The How-to of it is really Easy! Just flipped the Tray over,
Center the Pedestal and used some
E-6000 Glue to adhere the Pedestal to the Tray.
Let Glue have time to set.
Thats It! Easy Peasey!
Elevating my Collection of Bling gave me
more Space in my Tiny Little Studio.
I Find Inspiration in seeing what I have to Work with.!
This was another Thrift Store Find!
Hope you enjoyed some of my Studio Storage Display Ideas!
Thank You Debra for another Inspiration Friday!
Thank you so Much for Being our Gracious Hostess!
Hope you Will all take a Peek My New Blog
and New Adventure with My Friend Lemay!
Hope you sign up for our Giveaway too!
Just Click on the Link Below!
Hope you are all Having a Wonderful Weekend!