I Have been reminded many times,
as of Late,
of Mother Teresa Wonderful Way with words.
One of my Favorite Quotes really reflects her Beautiful Spirit
with a touch of her Wonderful Wit!

- ~*I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.
- I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.*~
- I Just Love That...
We Just found out just recently that
My Father-in-Law has Bone Cancer.
And Now it has been discovered
that his Pneumonia is really Lung Cancer.
So Many obstacles to overcome before
we can make the Journey to Canada to be at his side.
My children Require New Passports,
so Off to Seattle we go on Thursday to help
Expedite this Process.
The Young Woman I spoke to from the Passport Office
was so Helpful and Understanding!
Gosh I don't Know if she know
how very much I appreciated her Help!
Even When I Thanked here Many times.
I Really do Believe There are Angels Everywhere.
She was Definitely Mine Today.
Our Hope is that Passports will be ready
soon enough to Travel
after the Holiday Weekend.
Thank You my Dear Friends for Listening.
Many Hugs to you All!
Have a Wonderful, Safe
4th of July Weekend
My Dear Friends!