~I wander mountain to mountain,
From sea to sea,
I wander into a country
Where everyone is asleep.
There in the Land of Nod
I never think of home,
For home is there,
With sleeping doves and silvery girls,
Sleeping boys and drowsy roses.
There I find people whose eyes are heavy,
And trees with folded wings.~
From sea to sea,
I wander into a country
Where everyone is asleep.
There in the Land of Nod
I never think of home,
For home is there,
With sleeping doves and silvery girls,
Sleeping boys and drowsy roses.
There I find people whose eyes are heavy,
And trees with folded wings.~
~ Land Of Nod ~
~Hilda Conkling~
Love Her Poetry!
I decided to try my Hand at these
Beautiful Fabric Roses
I see Everyone Making.
The Fabric I used here was Heavier than Muslin.
They called it utility Fabric at Joann's.
I just tore 2 inch wide strips by the
Width of my Fabric from Salvage to Salvage(40")
I Liked the look that tearing the Fabric gave the Roses.
I started by rolling the Center and then Twisting the Fabric
so it folded over itself,
around that Center until I had my Rose.
A little Hot Glue or
A Couple of Stitches and you are Done.
I then Stitched on a Crocheted Doily to the back
In May I signed up
for Parisian Dreams
with Nancy of Sugar Lumps Studio.
One of the Pieces we were inspired to Create
was Flea Market Clip Boards.
Lets See...May, June, July and August..
3 1/2 Months Later Here,Finally is my Piece!I decided to try my Hand at these
Beautiful Fabric Roses
I see Everyone Making.
The Fabric I used here was Heavier than Muslin.
They called it utility Fabric at Joann's.
I just tore 2 inch wide strips by the
Width of my Fabric from Salvage to Salvage(40")
I Liked the look that tearing the Fabric gave the Roses.
I started by rolling the Center and then Twisting the Fabric
so it folded over itself,
around that Center until I had my Rose.
A little Hot Glue or
A Couple of Stitches and you are Done.
I then Stitched on a Crocheted Doily to the back
just to add another Element
as well as a Covering for
the less Pretty Backside of the Rose.
the less Pretty Backside of the Rose.
Lemay and I found some Old Paper Lace Doilies
that had such a Wonderful Patina. It is a Little Tricky to Glue them on because they wanted to tear but I loved the Look they Gave.
I found Matte Gel Worked Best and Also worked Very Well with the Mica I used to add a Little Sparkle to the Victorian Scrap!
Love this Look!

Always Cover your Naked Behinds!
So a Piece of my Favorite Sheet Music
and another Paper Lace Doily...
and another Paper Lace Doily...
And we are Finished!
Loved this Project! Thank You Nancy!
If you are Interested in learning about More
of Nancy's Wonderful Courses
of Nancy's Wonderful Courses
Click here to her Blog!
Thank You Debra!
Thank You Courtney
I do Believe in Fairies! I do I do I do!
Thank You Karen!!!! You Can Find the Music Sheet Image I used Here!
Thank You Karen!!!! You Can Find the Music Sheet Image I used Here!

Yes I DO! I Do Love Paper Whimsy!
You Can Find the Word Art Sheet
I used for download to you computer Here
Be Prepared to find yourself perusing more than
Just this Word Art Sheet!
Gail has So Many Lovely Images for Purchase!
Feathers and Flight
nor Jill McCall
will be Held Responsible for
Excessive Purchases Made
at the above Named
Paper Whimsy.com
Hee Hee! Have Fun!
Be Prepared to find yourself perusing more than
Just this Word Art Sheet!
Gail has So Many Lovely Images for Purchase!
Feathers and Flight
nor Jill McCall
will be Held Responsible for
Excessive Purchases Made
at the above Named
Paper Whimsy.com
Hee Hee! Have Fun!

This Sweet Silvery Girl is one of My Favorite Images from Blanca!
You can Find Her Here!
Have a Wonderful Weekend Everyone!